Monday, 3 December 2012

Mylapore again

Thanks to a wonderful group of Chennai sketchers from Penciljammers, I seem to be finally sketching again. Last sunday we all met up in front of the Mylapore temple which I had visited before with Uma, but this time instead of going into the temple I was happy roaming the streets outside.

As I started this sketch of the Nandi sitting atop the temple wall, I felt something crawl up the back of my neck. I was sitting on the ground of a dusty street after all. So as I flapped at my neck with my hand I felt a sharp pain shoot up my middle finger. It was an idli ant! (That's what a friend of mine calls them, the big black variety, because when they bite you, your skin swells to the size and shape of an idli!). Within a minute my left middle finger was double the size of the right one and couldn't be bent :( but anyway I carried on and actually the sketching made me forget the discomfort. I think I've found the best antidote to ant-bites finally!